Monday, September 30, 2013

My Nappy Bag

Having a well stocked and organised nappy bag is a fine art. My nappy bag with my daughter was a gorgeous OiOi (see below) however it became more like a Mary Poppins bag and my husband HATED getting anything from it (especially keys). I decide to get myself another nappy bag when I had my son but I needed pockets. And lots of them. Because now I was carrying things for two children.

So I researched. For months. I read reviews, I watched way too many YouTube nappy bag videos and I begged my husband to let me get a new bag with a designated key pocket :o) Finally I found one I liked BUT it was wayyyyyy to expensive so I looked some more. Then I found the one I liked HALF PRICE!! Wahoooo! It was a miracle and so of course I ordered it! 

And what was it I hear you ask....

Storksak Olivia in Moss! I really liked the Champagne colour as well however practicality won with this 'goes with everything' colour. So now that you have seen my amazing bag I will show you how I organise it.

The Outside

The outside of the bag has 4 generous pockets that I fill with my essentials.

In the front pocket I have my car keys, my phone and lip balm. Three things I always need and could never find in my old nappy bag. So easy now.

In the back pocket I keep my wallet. Easy to grab with a baby in one arm.

In the first side pocket I fit a small spare blanket, the bag strap and a wet bag (for wet clothes). In the second pocket I keep a few baby essentials: travel wipes (so I don't have to get one from my nappy change bag), tissues,  a few toys, hand soap (in an old hand sanitiser container) and a spare bib.

The Inside

Inside the bag I keep my things in smaller bags so I can grab what I need quickly! 

The floral bag (a Clinque freeby) is where I keep my nappy changing things. It has nappy bags, nappy cream (I have been using Weleda Calendula for years), a small washer (so I don't get peed on - I have a boy), 3 nappies, small change mat, wipes, disposable bib and spare undies for my 4 year old.

Of course I use that in conjunction with my Storksak change mat.

In my bronze bag (another freeby - can't remember where from) I keep all my teething essentials. This has panadol (my absolute last resort - he has only had it once I think), bonjela (another last resort), Hylands teething tables, Hylands teething gel and Brauer teething relief.

 In the Storksak pouch (came with the bag) I keep a few toys for my daughter (my son loves the car & giraffe too). I keep a note book, story books, stickers and a pen.

And lastly in another free Clinique bag I keep all the mummy essentials. This has (clockwise) hairbands and bobby pins, dummy (he doesn't take one but sometimes likes it to chew on), Vicks inhaler (sniffer stick), spare lip balm, ear plugs (needs a refill), panadol, bandaids,  pen, perfume dispenser, nail file, comb, brush, Valeline petroleum jelly (in old blistex container), face cream (in old eye cream container), deodorant and hand cream.

The inside has 6 pockets (as well as a zippered pocket) and this is what I keep in the pockets. In one pocket I keep flushable wipes, a notebook and another pen. In another 2 pockets I keep spare singlet and top, and pants (I separate them because it's too much for one pocket). In another pocket I keep a container with snacks (rusk sticks, muesli bars, fruit sticks). And in the last pocket I keep hand cream and 2 lip glosses.

 Extra item I usually take along with me are a burp cloth, a blanket and a water bottle. These items usually go in the pram or sit in my open bag.

The thing I love most about my nappy bag is the amount of times it has saved me. Having a baby is full or surprises (and over flowing nappies) and I am happy to say I have felt well prepared in (almost) every situation that motherhood has thrown at me when I'm out and about!

Not to mention - it is a hot nappy bag :o)

Friday, September 20, 2013

DIY Homemade Baby Wipes

I looked into making my own baby wipes when my daughter was a baby and I couldn't find much information about it and the only ones I found we too difficult or expensive. Since having my son I have re looked into the process and have found a winner. Super cheap, easy, no chemicals AND smells great!

So if you are interested in saving some money and going 'green' then this might be the recipe for you too!

Coconut Oil Baby Wipes

What you need
 - Wipes container
 - 1 cup boiling water
 - 1 tbs coconut oil
 - 1 tbs baby wash (I use Gaia)
 - Thick paper towels (I use Viva)

1. Cut paper towel in half 
(I use a sharp kitchen knife down to the core then a serrated knife for the core. 
This way there isn't too much fraying). 

2. Accordion fold the paper towel all the way to the end. 
Pull off the roll.

3. Put the paper towel into the wipes container. 

4. Add 1 tbs of coconut oil and and 1 tbs of baby wash to the boiling water. Stir.

 5. Pour the water over the paper towel. Pour down the sides a little too.

 6. Done!

Fact: I bought the paper towel 2 for $5 which got me 4 big rolls/8 small rolls. Bargain!!
Fact: The top wipe might be a little soapy
Fact: I use one wipe for a wee and two (sometimes more) for a poo
Fact: I use an old Huggies wipes container
Fact: It smells amazing

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Where on earth did that year go?

So here we are again. Man I have such good intentions to blog and then life gets so busy. Oh well! Another year down. So whats been happening?

Well in my last post I was pregnant with my second! And it was a VERY LONG pregnancy!

7 months pregnant

Not only did I go over but I went way overI went to 41 weeks and 6 days. But man was it worth it! 

A boy! 

He was 7 pound 11 ounces (small for being 2 weeks over) and covered in thick black hair. 

My handsome Mr. D the day he was born

What an absolute delight he is! I really enjoyed the newborn stage and felt so comfortable with my abilities as a mum! Second time round seems so much easier.

Mr. D 4 months old 

My beautiful children

Our family

This year has flown by so quickly! My daughter Miss S is almost 4 and my son turns 1 beginning of December! Looking very forward to having Mr Awesome (Michael) home on holidays from uni soon. Hopefully I have time for a few more posts before Christmas hits us! Bring on the beautiful weather!

Some posts I am looking at doing include:
 - DIY homemade baby wipes
 - Post birth weight loss
 - Baby hammock
 - Lactose free baby
 - Natural skincare
 - Baby hair cuts

Lets see how far down the list we get.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top pregnancy must haves

Pregnancy = 40 weeks of crazy beautiful. So how on earth do you get through it (other than an amazingly supportive husband, family and friends)?

I have decided to make a list of things I found essential this time around.

Body Pillow.
I used a body pillow when I was pregnant with Miss S and almost as soon as I became pregnant with Jelly Bean I pulled it out. Who gets sore hips in the first trimester? Me - that's who. My body was instantly getting ready to deliver I think. So I have used the pillow for the last 9 months and I couldn't live without it.

Comfortable jeans and black maxi skirt
Second time pregnancy was a bit different for me. I instantly started getting a belly and due to morning sickness I decided to invest in some maternity basics in the first trimester. Great idea! I felt more comfortable and confident from the beginning and am still wearing my jeans and maxi skirt. They go with everything!

Fit Flops
Being pregnant is not always glamorous. And my motto is comfort over style. However with these shoes I have the best of both worlds. They offer so much support for my legs and I can wear them with my jeans and maxi skirts and still feel a bit attractive.

One symptom I always seem to get when I am pregnancy is heart burn. Last pregnancy I dealt with it using warm milk. We could have done with our own cow out the back. However this time I saw that I could take Gaviscon when pregnant so of course I tried it. And guess what! It works!

Nursing bras
During my first pregnancy I was a bit clueless when it came to pregnancy bras and brought some when I was 6/7 months pregnant. Oppps!! This time around I knew I needed some much sooner. One thing I always do when I am buying maternity bras is find ones that are supportive, comfortable and make me feel amazing.

Shower stool
Having sore veins during my pregnancies has been quite challenging and sometimes standing for long periods of time can be painful. I got a small stool for the shower early on in pregnancy and found it fantastic not only for leg pain but also for morning sickness.

Baby Centre Mobile App
I downloaded this free app for my phone and loved the daily information that I could read about. It tells me the size of the baby and advice and information for mum. As I am getting further into my pregnancy I really appreciated having easily accessible checklists and birth videos.

What are the things you couldn't live without?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What a year...

Well it has been almost a year since my last blog, and what a year it has been for our family. A new state and a new life in Melbourne. Many highs and lows and it's almost the end of yet another year.

Hanging out in the city
So what's been happening this year? Well firstly Michael started university back in February which means we get to see him a lot more than we did last year when he was working full time. It also means that because he is a uni student and I'm an at home mum we are learning to live on a very tight budget. A small sacrifice for the awesome things to come after uni.

Miss S has just turned 3 and is as amazing as she has always been. Being her mum is an absolute joy! And speaking of being a mum I about about 1 month off being a second time mum.

Almost a big sister....
So this is how I am looking at the moment. Well just over 5 weeks ago actually. I'm sure I am looking quite a bit bigger than that now. So now I am busy packing hospital bags, organising the nursery, putting my feet up as much as possible and excitedly waiting for the end of next month to hit so we can meet this surprise package!

30 weeks pregnant
So 2012 has been a huge year for us so far and we are only 10 months through. So much more to come in the next 2 months :o)